Can I call in sick today?

Can I call in sick today?  I’m nauseous.  I’ve been fighting an on again off again sinus headache since Friday. I need to take off work.  Maybe stay in bed all day.

Shoot.  I can’t.  Who will keep the tiny humans alive? Make sure they have breakfast? Take their cold medicine? Get to school?  Finish their homework? Go to bed on time because state testing starts this week?

Oh, right. Me.

Time to find Tums. And Tylenol. And those bootstraps I have to pull myself up by. Time to close this tablet and dash back into the fray. I may be short on creativity this week, but not on grit.  No weapon formed against me or my family will prosper. (Isaiah 54:17) No colds can stand against my essential oils and humidifiers. No school project is beyond the capability of my over-tired Mom brain. “It is God who arms me with strength (and makes my way perfect.)” Ps 18:32 Good thing.  I’m running on empty, but with His strength I can keep tackling all the things.

Except the play doh in the carpet.  That’s going to take supernatural strength, Google AND a good nights sleep.

Stay lovely, my friends.


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